Real Food is Medicine
Let medicine be thy food and let food be thy medicine.
About Dr. Dahlgren
Dr. Andrew Dahlgren (Drew) is a Sports Medicine physician living in Lexington, Kentucky. He is married to his wonderful partner, Amy, and has four amazing children. Learn more about Dr. Drew and his health and wellness philosophy.
The internet allows me to spend the time educating you on the various topics that will help you maintain or improve your health.
Education should be the beginning of your journey back to health. It is a continuous process where each day you learn new things about yourself, your body and your environment. Join me as we both learn and try to improve our health and well being.
Dr. Dahlgren is a Sports Medicine physician currently working to help people achieve lifelong health and wellness. He works with one of the largest health and wellness companies, Humana, Inc., in Louisville, Kentucky.
Dr. Dahlgren no longer has office hours but is working to improve lives both with Humana, Inc. as well as on this website.