Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Q:  My doctor told me to avoid foods with a high glycemic index to help my issues with metabolic syndrome.  What is the glycemic index? A:  The havoc that rapidly rising blood sugar levels can have on both our health and weight is well-documented. Researchers have...
Intermittent fasting: Fast On, Fast Off

Intermittent fasting: Fast On, Fast Off

Intermittent fasting (IF) is just what you would suspect, a diet that cycles around periods of fasting and non-fasting.This style of dieting became popular after several studies showed beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals (specifically rats) after...
Shrinkage and Diabetes!

Shrinkage and Diabetes!

As if we needed more reasons to go low carb, high fat a research article in the journal Neurology ( came out on the 19th with evidence of brain shrinkage in people developing diabetes in their 40s to 60s. Those with midlife diabetes were found to...