Food & Nutrition

Your Body’s Many Cries for Magnesium

Your Body’s Many Cries for Magnesium

Magnesium assists with over 300 biochemical functions of your body’s enzyme systems, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve repair, the control of blood sugar and blood pressure, energy and healthy bones. Deficiencies cause of host of physical problems, many of which are correctable.

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5 Reasons Why Grass-Fed is Best

5 Reasons Why Grass-Fed is Best

Have you been incorporating more meat, eggs, and dairy into your diet as part of a low-carb plan? Are you wondering if grass-fed, pasture-raised products are worth the extra cost? There are several reasons many people think they are. 1. Higher Levels of Omega-3 Fatty...

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About Dr. Dalhgren


Dr. Andrew Dahlgren (Drew) is a Sports Medicine physician practicing in Richmond, Virginia. He is married to his wonderful partner, Amy, and has four amazing children. Learn more about Dr. Drew and his practice philosophy.

The internet allows me to spend the time educating you on the various topics that will help you maintain or improve your health.

Education should be the beginning of your journey back to health. It is a continuous process where each day you learn new things about yourself, your body and your environment. Join me as we both learn and try to improve our health and well being.

Dr. Dahlgren is a Sports Medicine physician practicing in Richmond, Virginia. He works with OrthoVirginia, a large orthopaedic group with offices throughout Virginia.

Dr. Dahlgren’s office is located on the campus of Memorial Regional Medical Center, part of the Bon Secours Richmond Health System. His office address is 8200 Meadowbridge Rd, Suite 200, Mechanicsville VA 23116.