Q&A: What are omega fats?

Q&A: What are omega fats?

Today’s Q&A comes from a reader interested in the essential fatty acids called omega 3 and omega 6 (omega fats).  We will briefly describe them and some of their benefits. Q: I see a lot in the news about omega 3s and omega 6s.  What are they? A:  Fat is bad; fat...
Inflammation: The Not-so-Silent Killer

Inflammation: The Not-so-Silent Killer

At first glance diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and arthritis have nothing in common. But researchers are discovering a common link among all of them: inflammation. Study after study points to the role chronic inflammation plays in a wide variety of...
What is Inflammation?

What is Inflammation?

Our body responds to external stimuli in a number of ways. It does so to either build up its resistance against invasion from different pathogens, or in a step to protect the body from active disease processes. Inflammation is one such pathological process, and in...
Q&A Turmeric

Q&A Turmeric

I often receive questions about various topics related to health and nutrition.  Each week I will try to answer some of the questions posed to me by my readers.  Today’s question is regarding a spice root, turmeric, that has been used for centuries. Q: Dr. Drew,...